Services and Solutions

The traditional telco markets are saturated and revenues are at their best stagnating with margins under pressure in most parts for the world. At the same time major investments in particular 5G are either on-going or just around the corner. Therefore, the key driver to maintain or improve margins has been digital transformation and we still believe there are potential in cloud-based services and production platforms potentially outsourced. However, as cost cutting can only bring you so far new revenue-sources have to be found. We believe the most promising is IoT services, which are expected to have growth rates above 15% over the next 5 years and reach more than 25bn connections. Entering this new business is not just business as usual but has to be rethought and implemented carefully to avoid the same mistakes that telco did with OTT.

At Ondoou we have the experience and can support you getting it right.


Value Chain and Ecosystem

For any business it is vital to understand the value chain and ecosystem. While it is frozen for the traditional telco services it is still very dynamic for IoT where all players are trying to position themselves to take as much market share as possible. Ondoou can support you understand the ecosystem and more importantly advice you on how best to position yourself to avoid making costly mistakes or even being left completely out.

Partner Selection

Nobody can do everything and therefore selecting the right partners is crucial. An expensive learning many telcos did trying exactly that with OTT. However, what might be the right fit for a small MVNO might not be for an established incumbent operator. Ondoou can advise and support on who might be the right partner depending on the individual markets and your competencies and resources

Use Cases and Application Layer

IoT, AI and machine learning are all just words. It is not about delivering buzzwords but making sure it is relevant for the target markets and the customers and that it can realistically be supported by your organization. Complete Smart City solutions might be relevant for an incumbent operator or vendor, while simple Smart Metering for remote area lacking basic infrastructure can be more relevant for a niche MVNO or system integrator. Ondoou can support making the right choices of which use cases to prioritize but also the hard choices of which not to.

Technology and Connectivity Choice

Currently all the mobile technologies are moving towards 5G. These networks are only now being rolled out and do often not provide full coverage. Waiting for 5G will likely be too late while depending purely on the current 3G or LTE will not be efficient or completely impossible depending on the use cases. These choices have to be evaluated under consideration of power consumption & availability, bandwidth- & data-need, latency criticality etc. Ondoou can guide you on what is most efficient options for your business.

Launch Strategy

When everything is in place from the initial strategy to the final technical implementation is it time to launch. For some services it is simple sales from kiosks and services points, while other complex and critical services have a long sales lead time and leverages a specialized sales force. Ondoou can support you formulate and implement the complete launch strategy.